Medical Costs and the Indemnity Claim

The workers’ compensation community had its share of challenges in 2009, but did have some bright spots. Through the third quarter, a number of employers had experienced a decline in indemnity claim frequency. The WCIRB reports that this reduction was as much as 11% (WCIRB December 11, 2009). While the number of reported indemnity claims industry wide has been on the decline, the medical component of the indemnity claim has continued to rise by as much as an estimated $7,000 per claim!

Medical Provider Networks (MPN) and how they can help

Controlling medical costs, while providing quality treatment for injured workers, can be a daunting task for California employers. One way to help manage your medical treatment costs is to establish a Medical Provider Network (MPN) and/or Health Care Organization (HCO). MPN’s and/or HCO’s allow an employer to control first medical evaluations for injured workers. MPN’s also require that claimant’s seek treatment within the MPN for the life of their claim. The benefit of this is that over time an Employer designated panel of physicians should help to deliver significant medical savings. Maintaining medical control and savings is important, so is providing quality care for your injured workers.

How Athens Administrators can help!

Continuing our commitment to partnering with our clients to provide superior services, Athens Administrators has teamed up with a world-class MPN and HCO provider, Medex Healthcare, to create the Athens MPN.

Athens MPN

  • Over 4,000 credentialed and highly qualified medical providers
  • Exceptional geographic provider coverage that meets or exceeds all DWC requirements
  • MPNs and HCOs deliver the greatest level of statutory medical treatment control for California employers and insurance carriers when an employee suffers a work-related injury.
  • Practical, easy to utilize internet based Physician & Clinic look-up